Antelope AYSO has teamed up with the North American Adult Soccer Association
NAASA to provide an adult recreational soccer league right here in Antelope - a first for Northern California! The league was formed by, and for, the parents who come out to watch and support their kids, but it
is not a requirement that your kids participate in our youth program. This league was formed for any adult who wants to come and play in a recreational soccer league.
Antelope AYSO Adult League
- Player ages - Open to all adults. Players must be 18 years of age at the time of registration in order to be eligible to play. No prior playing experience is required.
- Team Format - We will form teams each game in a soccerfest format - meaning that the players who show up 30 minutes before game time will divide themselves into teams and play.
- Uniforms - Please bring a light (white or grey) jersey and a dark (burgundy or red) jersey to each game. Shin guards with socks covering the shin guards are required.
- Player Fees - The $40 player fee includes a national fee for insurance and covers local administrative, referee, and field costs.